In this post, I’m going to show you exactly how you can use sesame seeds to increase your breast size.

And although the idea of using a cooking ingredient to increase your breast size and enhance your chest area may seem a bit strange.

Sesame Seeds and Breast Growth

Sesame SeedsI want you to understand that it’s powerful, and it can change your appearance for the better.

Here is something you need to understand right now:

Not every ingredient you are going to read about on the internet is going to be powerful when it comes to increasing your breast size.

And this also includes sesame seeds!

Sesame Seeds Benefits For Breast Enlargement

What I want you to understand right now is that sesame seeds are not the most powerful ingredient you can use to increase your breast size!

I know that this idea is going to sound contradictory.

Especially that I’m writing a post about using it to increase your breast size!

But I want to be completely clear with you.

You need to understand that sesame seeds can work at increasing your breast size.

Still, there are also other powerful ingredients you can use.

Especially the ones I’m going to talk about later on in this post.

But for now, just remember that sesame seeds, on their own, are not that powerful when it comes to increasing your breast size!

Why is this?

Well, sesame seeds do not contain lots of phytoestrogens!

Yes, they have some, and yes, they are powerful to increase your breast size, but there are other powerful oils and ingredients you can use.

So, why am I talking about sesame seeds when it comes to increasing your breast size?

Well, simply because our bodies well tolerate them.

In other words, you can use them daily without causing allergy and without causing a rash or different problems to your breasts, chest area, or skin!

Sesame Seeds for Bigger Breast – Side Effects

Please, remember that sesame allergies are a real thing.

And some people are allergic to sesame seeds.

So, if you notice any problems or rash while applying sesame recipes, especially if it’s your first time.

Then please, stop immediately what you are doing and consult with a medical professional.

He or she is the only person capable of helping you in this situation.

However, I do not want to scare you, just remember that sesame allergies are a real thing, so this is a disclaimer.

You need to understand that humans have used sesame seeds and sesame oil for probably thousands of years.

This makes them an amazing source of vitamins, minerals, and, most importantly, essential fatty acids.

This is also the reason why I was never too afraid of using too much sesame oil, especially on my breast.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

Indeed, later on in this post, I’m going to tell you exactly how you can use sesame oil to increase your breast size.

Trust me, it’s not very difficult, and most importantly, it’s going to boost breast growth tremendously.

I know that I have been saying over and over in this post that sesame oil and sesame seeds are not the best when it comes to increasing your breast size!

I standstill, and I want you to understand that I’m not contradicting myself.

However, what I want you to know is the following:

If you combine sesame oil with other powerful phytoestrogen-rich ingredients.

Because it does not cause problems, and our skin well tolerates it.

You are going to have amazing benefits when it comes to increasing both to breast growth and firmness as well.

The most important thing you need to understand right now is that sesame.

However, it’s very beneficial, can be unsafe for some people to use, especially daily.

It’s because of allergies.

So, try to start with a small amount and see if everything goes well.

If you notice a rash or redness on your skin, please consult with a doctor as soon as possible.

How to Use Sesame Seeds for Breast Enlargement 

Now, what I want you to understand also is that sesame seeds are also beneficial to some extent when it comes to increasing your breast size.

What you have to understand also is that sesame seeds are available all year long.

And they have a very long shelf life because they’re very rich in vitamin E.

Which is also another thing I want to talk about.

Remember when I told you that sesame seeds are very powerful when it comes to increasing your breast size?

Well, it is because they contain lots of vitamin E.

This powerful antioxidant is responsible for increasing your chest’s elasticity and skin’s strength.

Which is the reason why I want you to start using sesame seeds whenever you are trying to increase your breast size.

It’s going to increase breast volume and appearance; in other words, they’re going to make them perkier and firmer very rapidly.

So, why use sesame seeds?

Because it works at increasing your breast perkiness.

Plain and simple.

I don’t want you to imagine that by using a few drops of sesame oil, your breasts are going to double in size overnight.

It’s not going to happen.

And if someone tells you that this is exactly what’s going to happen, then they are trying to sell you something, and they are probably lying to you.

Such a thing doesn’t exist!

I have been there; I had small breasts for a very long time.

I remember when I was thirteen years old and hitting puberty.

Yes, I was a late bloomer!

I had very tiny breasts, and although my period was a rare occasion at the time.

And throughout my whole life, I knew that something was wrong with me!

So, my mother took me to the doctor, who told us that I had hormonal issues!

She was devastated; I, on the other hand, didn’t understand anything.

Later on, I asked her about it, and she told me I might have problems in the future.

Not only my breasts were not going to increase in size, but I may never have kids!

Well, let me tell you that I ended up having four mischievous ones!

So, my mother was devastated, and I was extremely scared depressed.

I had to take different pills and medication, including birth control!

Mind you, at thirteen years old!

So, I also took different hormone shots and supplements.

Yes, I saw some improvements when it came to my breast size.

I ended up with an A cup, but deep down, I felt I still looked like a boy.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

And even with my new size, I had trouble with my social life.

Especially that I changed schools often due to my father’s job.

So, I was a mess, I was extremely depressed, and I felt horrible about my whole situation, especially my breasts.

Soon, when I become reached university, I decided that I would go under surgery.

I needed to increase my breast size no matter the price!

So, it was decided, I consulted with different surgeons who all confirmed that my case was very common. I would have absolutely no issues with augmentation surgery.

Well, at the same time, my sister was also going through the same situation.

She went through an augmentation surgery, which cost her around US$10,000!

Well, I couldn’t afford that, so I just stood still and watched.

Later on, my sister had huge troubles moving her arms.

She even had temporary paralysis on her upper chest because her body didn’t heal correctly!

She couldn’t feel anything on many parts of her upper body!

Well, after so many months of rehabilitation, she was finally okay.

But deep down, she didn’t feel completely satisfied.

She felt fake because of her surgery, and even worse, she had terrible scars underneath her breasts!

Later on, a friend told her that breast implants were a major cause of breast cancer!

She started looking into this and even consulted with many doctors who all confirmed it.

Because two of our aunts had breast cancer, many doctors told her that her implants might cause her a tumor.

You know, when you make a rash decision, all hell will get loose on you later on in life.

She decided to remove them, for another US$5000!

It’s true if you want to increase your size using augmentation surgery, you need to spend a lot of money.

And as for me, I didn’t have enough.

I was still at University, I had lots of expenses, and I was living on a scholarship.

My budget was very tight.

After I got married, I still dreamed of increasing my breast size.

And I did everything I could to do so.

I started supplementing with different drugs, ingredients, and herbs, and unfortunately, nothing worked for me!

However, my grandmother, who was visiting us at the time, told me that I had small breasts, and it runs in my family.

So, when I kept talking to her about my situation.

She told me that my mother had the same thing as well in the past.

Well, let me tell you that my mother was looking amazing.

She had no issues with her breasts!

So, I asked my mom about this, and then I was told that she used different herbs and ingredients, which have helped her increase her breast size.

So, I used the same thing, and soon, I realized that my breasts were starting to increase in size.

I want you to understand this right now:

You are not lost hope; you are going to increase your breast size, you just need to know what to do.

So, here are the steps I want you to follow:

When you wake up, I want you to have a minimum of one cup of water.

Then, I want you to have a large breakfast consisting of bread, lots of sugar, jam or honey, and peanut butter.

I have already talked about peanut butter in many of my previous posts because it works.

It’s very rich in fats, and most importantly, it contains huge amounts of carbohydrates which are going to make your breasts truly amazing looking and large.

Most importantly, when you are done, I want you to have two teaspoons of ground fenugreek seeds.

Sesame Oil and Breast Enlargement

I have mentioned before in this post that sesame oil is fantastic when it comes to increasing your breast size only when you with other ingredients.

And this is exactly what I’m going to show you right now in the section.

Benefits of Sesame Oil for Breast Enlargement

Sesame OilApart from being very beneficial to our skin, meaning that it’s going to add elasticity, strength, and lots of firmness.

Sesame oil is also very beneficial to our breast since it’s going to increase firmness tremendously.

You have to understand that sesame oil is very rich in amazing nutrients such as vitamin E.

I like this a lot because this nutrient has been associated with skin health and vitality a lot.

As a small benefit of using sesame oil, your breast skin is going to become much more elastic and firm as well.

Sesame Oil for Sagging Breast

This will also result in added firmness and perkiness when it comes to your breast.

And let me tell you that this is not a small benefit, in my opinion, it’s huge.

I remember when I increased my breast size the first time; I was simply depressed because my breast was saggy and loose!

Trust me; when you start seeing improvements in your breast size, you will need to use sesame oil.

It’s going to help them retain more moisture, and more importantly, it’s going to help your breast stay firm and perky for a very long time.

Sesame Oil Dosage for Breast Enlargement

Now, I want to show you exactly how you can use sesame oil for breast enlargement.

First, we need to talk about the right dosage to use.

The best thing you need to understand right now is that you will need one teaspoon a day for each breast!

And please, do not go cheap when it comes to quality.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

Always use organic sesame oil because it’s the best, in my opinion and it’s also the most nutritious since it contains high levels of vitamin E.

How to Use Sesame Oil for Breast Enlargement

In this section, I will tell you exactly how you can use sesame oil for breast enlargement.

As mentioned before, you are going to need two teaspoons a day, one for each breast.

Now, here is what I used to do in the past:

Every day, I’d simply mix two teaspoons of sesame oil with one drop of vitamin E oil and one teaspoon of ground fenugreek seeds.

These are the best when it comes to increasing your breast size; you need to try them and see for yourself.

When I’m done mixing these.

I’d simply apply on your breast for a minimum of fifteen minutes.

Then, get rid of as much fat as possible using a clean paper towel.

I find this recipe quite messy; this is the reason why I like to prepare it beforehand.

I simply take seven tablespoons of sesame oil to which I’m going to add four tablespoons of ground fenugreek seeds and one teaspoon of vitamin E oil.

I mix everything very well, and I leave in my fridge.

Every night, before going to bed, I would scoop two teaspoons and simply apply them on my breast.

This way, I only use the oil while I leave the ground seeds at the bottom of my container.


Ready to add a minimum of 2 cups to your breast size naturally?

Get your copy of The Bigger Breast Formula now.

Want to read more about growing your breasts naturally?

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