You will discover in this post the right way to use almond milk to increase your breast size rapidly and with absolutely no side effects.

I use this technique daily and I guarantee you that it will grow your breasts rapidly, just follow my easy steps.

Almond Milk for Breast Enlargement

Unsweetened Store Bought Almond Milk

Almond milk can be an excellent breast growth food, you just need the right daily amount for breast tissue stimulation.

I must say that throughout my journey to finding the right ingredients to increase my breast size, I discovered some fantastic herbs and recipes.

Most were extremely powerful when it came to adding volume and density to my chest.

So, in this post, I will reveal how I was able to increase my breast size with the help of almond milk.

It’s not difficult, you just need the right ingredients and step by step method, which I am going to give you in this post.

Can Almond Milk Make Your Breast Bigger?

The answer is absolutely yes!

Almond milk is one of the best ingredients you can consume daily to increase your breasts size.

However, it’s not that simple!

To make almond milk work at increasing your breast size and volume rapidly, you need to use it properly.

But more importantly, you need to learn about other ingredients that are also extremely powerful for breast growth and that will multiply breast growth when combined with almond milk.

I will also tell you about my daily routine, the things I do regularly that increased my breast size in a matter of weeks.

Does Drinking Almond Milk Increase Your Breast Size?

As I have already said, the short answer is yes, but it’s more complicated than this!

What do I mean?

Well, almond milk is slow acting when it comes to increasing your breast size.

I’m not going to tell you that it doesn’t work, it works very well, but it’s slow acting and you need to add a more powerful routine to your daily breast growth efforts.

I’ll come back to this later on in this post where I show you how you can use almond milk to increase your breast size very easily.

Why Does Almond Milk Make Your Breast Grow?

Unlike other dairy alternatives such as rice or oat milk, almond milk contains a good amount of phytoestrogens.

These are plant hormones that mimic female estrogens in your body.

Put it more simply, these molecules are plant hormones that act on your sexual organs and put them under the same effects as female estrogens.

The thing is, almonds contain a good amount of phytoestrogen.

In a study titled “Estrogens in Food: The Almond Mystery”, link here:

Almonds showed the greatest estrogenic activities in female rates, although this study found some discrepancies between different almond samples.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

The thing is, almonds are rich in phytoestrogens and this is why they are so powerful when it comes to breast growth from my experience.

Almond milk is probably one of the best ingredients you can use to increase your breast size.

However, most women are going to make bad mistakes when it comes to this powerful ingredient.

Especially since its results are very slow.

And even worse, sometimes, if you don’t use the right amounts, you will never see any growth on your chest!

Store Bought Unsweetened Almond Milk

The good thing about almond milk is that it’s available all year long, doesn’t cost a lot and there is a great variety of flavors and products, just pick the one you like and enjoy!

So, almond milk can increase your breast size and volume very rapidly if you use it properly, and this is exactly what I’m going to show you in this post.

So, I was nearly 30 years old, depressed, and feeling horrible about my chest.

So, I began looking into different solutions to increase my breast size because deep down, I felt that if I solved this huge problem, I would be the happiest woman ever!

I began experimenting with different ingredients, different products, and, most importantly, I started trying different foods, even the ones I hated in the past.

That’s when I read about the dangers of dairy products.

And how they were loaded with hormones that are damaging our breasts and even our reproductive organs!

Yes, I do believe that dairy can be very dangerous for your health, mainly that it contains large amounts of cholesterol.

Even worse, it contains large amounts of estrogens, and let me tell you that cows must be either pregnant or nursing their calves to produce milk.

And during these months, they have very high levels of estrogen in their bodies.

Yes, for some women, consuming dairy can be fine.

It can even increase their breast size, however, for me and most flat-chested girls, consuming dairy products in large amounts can be very bad.

They can also cause different side effects such as slow-growing breast tissue, a decrease in overall weight, rapid metabolism, meaning that you burn most calories you consume.

You never gain weight properly, especially on your breasts, buttocks, hips, and thighs, and even problems getting pregnant in the future.

This can be extremely devastating; that’s why you need to balance your hormone levels not only for increasing your breast size but also for keeping your body healthy.

And yes, you are probably having small breasts because your hormones are out of balance.

And this is the reason why most flat-chested women when they start consuming the right herbal remedies and the right hormone balancing foods, especially the ones rich in fiber, their health improves tremendously, even better, their breasts start increasing in size in just a matter of weeks.

How Does Almond Milk Increase Breast Size In Women

Preparing almond milk in a blender

Preparing almond milk in a blender is very simple and doesn’t take much time, plus you avoid all the nasty stuff in store bought brands.

Our breasts are made mostly of fats and liquids.

And here, we have to underline the word fats because it’s essential to increase our breast size.

Let me explain this for a second:

If your diet is deprived of essential fats.

Or if you have a fast metabolism as I had in the past, where you burn every calorie that enters your body.

Then, your body is going to have a difficult time storing them, especially in your breasts, and this is where almond milk can be very powerful at increasing your boobs’ size and volume rapidly.

I’m going to explain this in a few paragraphs.

Now, here is the meat of the article: how to use almond milk for increasing your breast size.

The fantastic thing about almond milk is that it’s a food, meaning that whatever amount you drink, it will never hurt you!

You are not going to suffer from side effects, and most importantly, you are doing your body a huge favor.

Of course, if you are allergic to almonds, you should stay away from consuming it.

How Can You Use Almond Milk For Increasing Your Breast Size?

Well, I do not recommend applying almond milk directly on your breasts; it’s not going to help you at all and it’s a waste of a valuable food.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

After all, almond milk contains mostly water, and it’s not going to do you much good if you apply it topically, on the other hand, the best way for you to use almond milk is to drink it daily, however, you must understand that it alone isn’t going to increase your breasts size a lot!

Yes, it does contain amazing nutrients and phyto-estrogens, which are very important for increasing your breast size.

Most notably, free and esterified sterols, steryl glycosides and acylated steryl glycosides, and lots of essential fatty acids that are going to help enlarge your breasts and make them more voluminous and perkier.

But, for the most part, your breasts are only going to increase once they receive enough nutrients and, most importantly, enough fats.

This is the reason why I have always advised my readers to increase their caloric intake, meaning that you should eat more rich foods.

This is the reason why you have to start eating calorie-dense foods daily, and from my experience, the best time to eat them is in the morning, half to one hour after waking up.

So, to give you a little idea of what I do to increase my breast size using almond milk, here is my breast enlargement morning ritual:

Almond Milk Dosage for Breast Enlargement

Homemade Almond Milk

The good thing I love about making my almond milk at home is that I can get a thicker consistency than store bought, which is both delicious and will result in more fats in my milk.

When I wake up, I have a minimum of one cup of water; of course, I do vigorous stretching and chest exercises to keep my breasts firm and perky all the time.

When I’m done with my breast firming exercise routine, I immediately have (swallow) two teaspoons of ground fenugreek seeds with another cup of water; these are amazing since they contain lots of phytoestrogens, which are real beneficial for my breasts and to my whole body as well.

I have talked about fenugreek seeds on many occasions on this website, and I highly recommend that you give them a try; after all, fenugreek is the main herb that has increased my breast size, and I think it will increase your breast size and firmness as well.

So, when I’m done with my ground fenugreek seeds, I have a large breakfast with whole wheat bread, a minimum of two giant toasts, lots of jam, and, most importantly, the star of the show, in my opinion, lots of peanut butter.

I love peanut butter since it’s very rich in essential fatty acids, the ones used by your body to increase your breast size.

And most importantly, because it’s going to give me lots of energy to keep me going all day long.

This is very important because I’m going to avoid snacking on junk food, which is very destructive to breast growth.

How Much Milk Do I Need To Drink To Get Bigger Breast?

When I’m done, I have a minimum of one cup of almond milk; I also drink soy milk if I don’t have almond milk at home.

I also have another cup of almond milk before going to bed, I tend to add a little cinnamon and if I’m not in the mood for dinner, I tend to have a bowl of cereal with a large glass of almond milk.

Yes, I’m the type of person who likes cereal all day long.

Around four o’clock in the afternoon, I also have fennel tea, I steep one fennel tea bag in one cup of warm water for fifteen minutes, I add some sugar or honey, and I enjoy it.

Fennel is also rich in phytoestrogens as well, and it’s one of the best herbs you can consume daily to increase your breast size, and I highly recommend that you do so as well because it works.

This is extremely important.

So, in total, I have two large cups of almond milk.

I know, this may seem like a lot, but it’s what’s needed to increase my breast size and give me a nice firm growth.

How Long Does It Take For Almond Milk To Make Your Breast Grow?

Many women will report different results, but in general, it took me about three weeks, following the routine I have laid down for you in some few lines to increase my breast size.

Three weeks may seem like a lot, but it’s not!

Three weeks is less than a month and if you are serious about increasing your breast size, you can achieve an amazing growth in a much shorter time.

You just need to follow a good routine.

Can Almonds Make Your Breasts Bigger?

The trut is I have lately started testing almonds to see if they can show breast growth effects as well.

So far, the results are very promising.

For example, I noticed that with two handful a day of slightly roasted almonds, with a bit of salt of course to make them taste better, I was able to maintain my breast size and I even began seeing a slight improvement in growth as well.

Does this mean you should give up almond milk and only have roasted almonds instead?

You can do this, but still, almond milk is way easier to consume, since drinking one cup in the morning and another one later during the day with cereal or even alone is not that difficult.

But going through an entire handful of roasted and salted almonds can be a little jaw tiring.

I prefer almond milk since it’s way more convenient.

What about almond butter?

Can Almond Butter Make Your Breast Grow?

Almond butter is the best of both worlds in my opinion.

I love nut butter a lot because it’s high in calories, thus will make my breasts fill with fats much more easily and it also contains large amounts of phytoestrogens, since these molecules are fat soluble.

Plus, because a steel blade, the one used to process almonds, have already gone through them, it’s also very convenient for you to consume and you’ll extract more nutrients and more phytoestrogens from them.

I love almond butter, although it’s a little difficult to spread on bread.

You can try taking two tablespoons a day, it’s very rich, that’s why I prefer you do it in the morning, during breakfast.

My Morning Breast Growth Exercise Routine!

This is the part of the post where I tell you the exercises I do every single morning to increase my breast size and firmness rapidly.

It has nothing to do with almond milk but I thought that it would be very helpful for you to increase your size and firmness more.

The first thing I focus on is stretching my chest.

By the way, if you want more details, you should get my free report, it’s where I show you these steps in details that help my breast growth and firmness.

Chest Stretching Exercises

It’s not that complicated, I tend to do it in one minute.

So, first of all, stand with your side facing the wall, then place your right arm on the wall and start rotating your torso to the left, hold for a while, I simply count until 10 slowly and I do it again.

That’s it, not that complicated, but very effective at getting your chest ready for the next exercises.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

Of course, you need to do the left side after eight stretches.

You’re done with stretching your chest then.

Check this Wikihow post for more chest stretching exercises:

The Breast Firmness Exercises

I do 3 sets of standing chest fly, 8 repetitions each set.

Follow the steps in this page for more details:

The morning breast enlargement routine I have shared with you is one of the best ways to use almond milk to increase your breast size as it’s loaded with essential fatty acids and is also going to help your body with all the phytoestrogens it needs.

Almond Milk for Male Breast Growth

If you are a man and you are relying on increasing your breast size with almond milk, then I must tell you that you are mistaken!

What I’m saying here may sound quite disappointing, but it’s the truth, almond milk is not that powerful when it comes to increasing male breast size.

Yes, a lot of guys are going to say that almond milk gave them a fantastic volume, but in reality, almond milk is not that powerful to cause male breast growth.

To give you a small example, every day, millions of guys drink thousands of gallons of almond milk; yet, no one is going to end up with larger breasts.

Of course, there are other herbs and other powerful home remedies a guy can use to increase his breast size.

Unfortunately, almond milk is not one of them.

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