You will learn how to use castor oil for breast enlargement, it’s not difficult, but you will need a good routine to get rapid and “big” results, but  it’s not as easy as putting some drops on your chest and calling it a day!

Castor Oil for Breast Enlargement

Castor Oil

Castor oil is a fantastic fatty substance for breast growth because it’s well adsorbed and tolerated by our skin, it doesn’t cause allergies and it has also growth effects on our breasts.

I have spent over ten years trying to find the best products and ingredients to increase my breast size, and as you will learn later on in this post, I didn’t have a good start when it comes to the chest department!

I had a flat breast for a large part of my life, and I felt horrible about it!

This is to tell you that I know what I’m talking about!

I have been there, I have suffered and been ridiculed over and over because of my small boobs.

Don’t worry!

There is hope!

You can use different proven ingredients and recipes to start increasing your breast size naturally without worrying about side effects or health consequences.

Can Castor Oil Increase Breast Size?

Well, the straight answer is yes; however, it’s not what you expect!

I know that this answer is going to sound somehow confusing, but it’s the truth!

Castor oil is going to increase your breast size; however, it’s not the best ingredient to achieve this!

Yes, castor oil will increase your breast size, but your volume and size will never reach an amazing growth and fullness with it!

In other words, it’s not the best thing to use to increase your breast size!


You see, I have tried probably hundreds of ingredients, supplements, creams, and different natural herbs to increase my breast size and let me tell you that the ones that work are entirely unknown to most women.

When I was just eleven years old, I dreamt of puberty, I wanted to have large breasts, and even though my sister and cousins all had small breasts, I hoped to be the exception, that one day, my breasts would grow larger and bigger despite my poor genes.

That one day, I would wear revealing tops and swimsuits and have a fantastic cleavage…

I was extremely disappointed.

Around the age of twelve, I began having my periods!

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

I told my mom about it, and I still can’t forget the look in her eyes, the way she looked at me and most importantly, the way she looked at my chest!

I knew that she saw nothing; I knew that she saw it was flat and empty!

This is to tell you that I have been there!

I had a flat chest throughout my whole life, and I couldn’t get it to grow in size, this was the main reason why I kept trying product after product to see what works and whether I was doomed or not.

And I’m sorry to say this, I also tried castor oil for so many months, and it only made my breasts increase in size slightly!

I’m not trying to discourage you, castor oil can be a tremendous ingredient for your breasts, but when it comes to increasing their size, it’s not the best to use.

And mind you, the pictures of the castor oil bottle you see in this post were recently taken in my bedroom!

I love castor oil and when I’m running low, I never forget to order it again!

I will tell you why in a few paragraphs.

However, at the beginning of this article, I have told you that I would show you a fantastic way to increase your breast size using castor oil, so, what am I doing?

Am I lying to you?

No, I will show you precisely what combination of herbs and ingredients to add to castor oil to make it a super ingredient when it comes to increasing your breast size.

You see, castor oil lacks phytoestrogens, which are the essential compounds responsible for increasing our breast size!

If you haven’t heard of phytoestrogens and phytohormones before, then you are in for a big surprise.

They are plant hormones; in other words, they look very similar to female hormones, with one exception, they do not cause side effects.

Seems like a bold thing to say, but it’s true!

Numerous studies have been done on phytoestrogens and they all conclude that they are beneficial for preventing breast and ovarian cancer and are also important for cardiovascular health.

So, if you are scared of cancer, breast pain, or ovarian problems, then you have nothing to worry about because plant hormones have been present in human diets for thousands of years.

The herbs I’m going to share with you in this post, the ones that you need to mix with your castor oil to turn it into a super ingredient when it comes to increasing your breast size, have been known to humans for thousands of years and even better:

They have been used as a staple food throughout many cultures in the world.

This is the main issue I have with castor oil; it doesn’t contain lots of phytoestrogens.

I have already talked about this in many of my previous posts, that most women who have small breasts have a problem with their hormones, say it differently, their hormones are out of balance, and they need a rapid solution.

Trust me, if you do not take care of your hormones, it’s not just your breasts that are going to suffer, you will also have trouble with hair growth and even having children!

I’m trying to open your eyes about what’s probably going on in your body.

You see, when I was just twenty-four years old, I started noticing my hair becoming very weird; it started getting oily, and even worse, it started losing its thickness and soon, I was nearly bald!

When I checked with many dermatologists, I was asked to do lots of blood work, which all indicated that I had issues with my hormone!

Needless to tell you, I resorted to shots, different pills, and even worse, I started taking contraceptive pills, which caused my mood to become very unstable!

One time, I was happy and extremely courteous to people, and suddenly, I became very irritated, and I started crying because of something that happened three years ago!

This is to tell you that I tried different solutions to fix my hormonal issues, and unfortunately, I had terrible results, my hair kept thinning, and my body looked like that of a teenage boy.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

I wasn’t feeling great about myself, and my self-image was shattered.

Yes, I was young, depressed, and feeling very ugly.

Having weird hormones is no joke; it can ruin your life, no matter what I studied and how much I earned, I always felt incomplete with my deflated boobs.

So, the solution for me was not taking pills or using shots; it was finding a natural cure to regulate my hormones and, most importantly, to increase the size of my breasts.

That’s how I discovered the fantastic herbs I’m going to tell you about, the ones that have saved my body from looking like that of a teenage boy.

Now, back to our subject:

How to Make the Best Castor Oil for Breast Growth?

So, I have already told you that castor oil does not have a lot of phytoestrogens and thus it’s not the most powerful oil for breast growth.

However, let’s not forget that it has some breast growth potential.

Yes, on its own, castor oil won’t increase your breast size a lot, but it will have some growth effects on them!

This means that you don’t need to add a lot of ingredients to make it into a super breast enlarging fatty substance.

Castor Oil Dosage for Breast Growth

We need the right dosage and, most importantly, the right way to apply it on our breasts to get the most rapid and long term breast growth.

I will also tell you later on in this post what other routines you need to follow on a daily basis to keep your breast firm and their volume large.

Most importantly, what herbs you need to take every morning to achieve optimum breast growth.

I believe that when you add the right nutrients to your body, and most importantly when you feed your breasts correctly with the correct nutrients, they are going to increase in size, no matter how they look right now.

So, here are the ingredients I want you to use to make the best castor oil for breast enlargement:

  1. Ten tablespoons organic castor oil
  2. Three tablespoons Pueraria Mirifica powder
  3. One tablespoon ground fenugreek seeds
  4. And one tablespoon ground soybeans

Some of these ingredients may be difficult to get, like ground soybeans and Pueraria Mirifica powder, this is the reason why I want you to shop for them online.

I cannot find them in my local health food stores or herbalists; I always need to get them online.

One more crucial thing, I want you to only get the organic ones.

Stay away from conventionally grown ingredients since they contain too many pesticides and other potent chemical compounds that are nasty for our bodies!

Castor Oil

Some people may be allergic to castor oil, better apply a few drops the very first time you are using it on your chest, wait three hours and see if you are developing redness or itchiness, if it’s the case, then you need to use a different fatty substance, like olive or coconut oil, since they’re the least allergen in my experience.

Remember that you are going to apply this oil directly to your breasts, which are very fragile organs and can get damaged very rapidly if you don’t know what you are doing.

I hope that I’m not scaring you.

Still, I want you to understand that increasing your breast size can be very fun and also extremely easy once you start applying the right ingredients.

Most importantly, once you start noticing how your breasts are going to look in the future, this can be very exciting.

It can also increase your willpower to do more work to improve your breast size and volume; however, without the right ingredients, you are merely wasting your time, and even worse, you may be putting your health in danger’s way.

My advice is this:

Consider this as an investment, you need to shop for only the best products, and avoid cheap quality ones.

I have a rule:

If a product is cheaply made, has a cheap package, for example, I avoid it, even better, if it comes from an unknown brand, I don’t use it at all, I only gave my body the best ingredients.

So, castor oil can increase your breast size if you add the ingredients I have listed to it since they are extremely rich in powerful phytoestrogens.

How to Use Castor Oil on Your Breast

Here is what I want you to do:

First, you will need to heat your castor oil, not too high, just a little, make it a little warm, if you cannot touch it, then it’s too hot and you shouldn’t use it!

If your castor oil is too hot, then you have destroyed the nutritious elements found in it.

I put my castor oil in a glass bowl, and I put it in the microwave for just thirty seconds.

If you don’t like microwaving stuff, then put it on the stove for a couple of seconds; then, I add to it the Pueraria Mirifica powder, fenugreek seeds, and soybeans.

I mix everything very well for a minimum of two minutes or until everything has incorporated very well.

Then I put in my fridge, covered, for a minimum of two days.

This is extremely important because castor oil is a fatty substance, it’s going to absorb the nutritious elements, especially the phytoestrogens found in these ingredients, and to do so, it needs time.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

So, the best way for you to use castor oil to increase your breast size is to add to it powerful plant hormones, the ones responsible for increasing breast size in many women.

Now, after two or three days, reheat your castor oil and filter it using a cheesecloth, for example, or a fine stainless steel strainer, try to get rid of as much pulp as possible.

Castor Oil for Saggy Breast

Every night, before going to bed, take one teaspoon and massage your breasts very gently with it, make sure you do so for at least three minutes.

One more vital thing, stay away from using too much pressure on your boobs; this can be very damaging and can also lead to breast drainage; in other words, your breasts becoming saggy and loose!

Of course, we don’t want this happening, so, be as gentle as possible, and only use the tip of your fingers!

If you feel pressure, then, you are doing it incorrectly, it should feel like a caress.

Castor Oil for Breast Firming

Another fantastic benefit of using castor oil for increasing your breast size is it can boost your breast firmness very rapidly.

What’s impressive about the castor oil recipe I have just given to you is it contains large amounts of phytoestrogens, these elements are going to seep inside your breasts and will activate its tissues to engorge with water, and most importantly, with fats.

This will give you the most long-term results in both firmness and growth.

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