In this post, I will show you the right way to use coconut oil for breast enlargement.

I need to make a confession first!

I had a terrible time finding whether using coconut oil for breast growth was the right thing for increasing my breast size because there is so much nonsense on the internet about this subject! I swear, I tried probably hundreds of recipes and I couldn’t make it work, but don’t worry, I’ll show you exactly how to get amazing breast growth and firmness using coconut oil.

Coconut Oil For Breast Enlargement

I will tell you what you need to use with coconut oil to make it extremely powerful when it comes to increasing your breast size.

Trust me; it’s one of the most essential ingredients you need to use to have beautiful, large, and firm breasts very rapidly.

Is Coconut Oil Used For Breast Enlargement?

Coconut Oil bottle - front

I always have a bottle of coconut oil in my house.
I use it every day on my breasts and I also use it for my hair.

When I was young, I had tiny breasts.

I had no breasts at all!

I hated my body, and I looked horrible all the time, especially when I wore swimsuits!

Needless to tell you, I didn’t feel great about myself!

And I always wanted to increase my breast size no matter cost.

I even ended up taking different appointments with plastic surgeons to have my breasts worked on!

Thank God I didn’t go forward with it!

However, my sister did, and she ended up regretting it because of all the side effects!

In fact, to this day, she still has large scars underneath her breasts and cannot move her left arm properly.

She had to spend many hours in re-education.

She had nerve damage!

I’m not trying to scare you!

I’m just telling you my experience and that of my sister, with increasing our breast size.

And yes, this can lead to severe troubles and physical problems if not done correctly and, most importantly, if not done, naturally.

Needless to tell you, I was terrified!

I decided that the best way for me to increase my breast size is to look for a natural solution.

Most importantly, natural ingredients that are safe for my whole body, even though I may not get rapid results.

I ended up trying hundreds of products and hundreds of other ingredients to see what works and what doesn’t.

It’s just to tell you that I have tried different techniques to increase my breast size.

Fortunately for me, I realized that some ingredients were better at increasing our breast size than others!

They were much better than even surgery since no one could ever tell you that your breast used to be small!

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

And unlike augmentation surgery, I have no scars!

Does Coconut Oil Make Your Breast Bigger?

The quick and short answer is no!

On its own, coconut oil does not increase your breast size!

You will be wasting a precious ingredient if you only use it directly on your breast without adding other breast enlargement herbs.

I’m sure this will come as a surprise!

After all, you are here to learn about using coconut oil for breast growth, and here I am, telling you that it doesn’t work!

Is this true?

Do you need to throw away all your coconut oil and never use it again on your breasts?

So, if it does not work at increasing your breast size, why should you use coconut oil on your breasts in the first place?

Simply because it’s well tolerated and very friendly on our skin.

And it’s not going to cause side effects on your breasts!

This makes it an ideal fatty substance to deliver what increases our breast size and what truly makes our chest stand out and look firm and large.

Effects Of Applying Coconut Oil On Your Breast

What you must understand here is that, to some extent, coconut oil can increase your breast size.

However, it’s not huge in terms of results!

And you will end up feeling horrible after using this potent ingredient for more than three months and only getting minimal growth!

It’s true; it happened to me and it was depressing to say the least.

I kept using coconut oil for more than three months, day after day!

Before going to bed and after waking up!

I just applied one tablespoon of a good quality organic coconut oil directly onto my breasts while massaging very gently.

I thought to myself that I was on the right path!

After all, coconut oil is beneficial and has lots of fatty acids that nourish our breasts!

It’s what I thought, after all!

Does Rubbing Coconut Oil On Your Breasts Make Them Bigger?

Coconut Oil bottle - back

I tend to use organic coconut oil, but these days I have found that liquid coconut oil is also very efficient and convenient to use, especially when I’m making my breast enlargement cream, which uses a lot of coconut oil.

Well, after a long time, I realized it didn’t work and that I was wasting my time.

So, I decided to give up on coconut oil and never use it again!

Well, I was wrong!

And I’m going to tell you about this later on in this post.

But for now, understand that coconut oil, on its own, is not the best ingredient you can use to increase your breast size!

In this post, I’m only going to show you what works, what I have used to get more than two cups of growth very fast!

I guarantee that if you use coconut oil on its own, you’re not going to get amazing results.

It’s only going to waste your time and a valuable ingredient!

Even virgin coconut oil is not that good when it comes to breast enlargement.

However, you should not give up on coconut oil!

Especially when it comes to your breast size.

As it’s excellent at delivering breast growth nutrients to your breasts.

How To Use Coconut Oil For Breast Enlargement

The first and most important thing you need to get from this post is this:

You need to add other powerful ingredients to it.

And from my experience, the best are:

Maca roots and ground fenugreek seeds.

Fenugreek and Coconut Oil for Breast Enlargement

These will be the ingredients you are going to add to your coconut oil to increase your breast size.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

They are not only fantastic at augmenting your breast size very rapidly, but they will also increase breasts’ firmness!

Even better, coconut oil has been used for breast firming very successfully, and I’m sure you will like the results tremendously.

Eating Coconut Oil for Breast Growth

Although the idea of eating coconut oil might seem very useful when it comes to breast growth, it doesn’t work in real life.

Coconut oil is very rich in powerful fatty acids; these oils are the ones responsible for increasing your breast size.

However, there is a problem with this method; coconut oil doesn’t contain powerful phytoestrogens that will help you grow your breasts.

Eating coconut oil may seem like a good idea.

But in reality, you are going to have a difficult time increasing your breast size if you only rely on this technique.

Especially if you are not consuming enough phytoestrogens rich foods daily, such as the ones I have just talked about, especially fenugreek seeds.

So, yes, eating coconut oil is useful if you want to increase your breast size, but only if you are eating enough phytoestrogen-rich foods.

It’s also the reason why I have always advised my readers to consume fenugreek seeds.

They are rich in powerful phytohormones that are so beneficial for increasing our breast size.

Coconut Oil for Breast Enlargement – Side Effects

Maca Powder Package

Maca powder is one best ingredients you can add to your coconut oil, it helps with breast growth a lot.

Coconut oil does not cause any side effects to your breasts or your skin.

It doesn’t cause allergies.

Coconut oil, with olive oil, is probably the safest fatty substance you can use for increasing your breast size.

Of course, I’m talking about organic coconut oil!

Yes, there are so many cheap brands that sell toxic garbage, which can be dangerous for your health!

Even worse, some of the expensive brands I have tried in the past caused a rash on my skin because they were not organic.

I prefer to buy costly coconut oil if it’s organic and produced by a well-known brand rather than a cheap/garbage one.

If you use it with the ingredients I mentioned: you will have no side effects!

Of course, you have to respect the dosage I will give you.

Why Doesn’t Coconut Oil Increase Breast Size?

You must understand that our breasts are mostly made up of water, fats, and connective tissue, these increases in size because of one significant factor: hormones.

In most women, hormones are balanced and efficient at doing their job:

Increasing breast size, regulating menstrual cycle, and other vital processes.

However, in some women, such as myself, these hormones tend to be out of balance and tend to cause a delay in the menstrual cycle, puberty signs, and even cause hair loss!

It’s to tell you that you are not alone!

I have been there, I had small breasts throughout my life, and many doctors confirmed this: my hormones were wacky and were not well-balanced!

Well, coconut oil does not contain phytohormones.

Yes, it includes some, but they are not that abundant and are not going to help your breasts increase in size.

Phytohormones are organic compounds produced by plants.

They resemble human hormones!

However, unlike hormones produced by our bodies, phytoestrogens are very safe.

They have been scientifically proven to be beneficial for our overall health and, most importantly, at fighting off cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

So, the best way for you to increase your breast size while using coconut oil is to add other ingredients that contain large amounts of phytoestrogens.

The primary plant hormone responsible for making your breasts bigger and firmer.

These ingredients are maca roots and fenugreek seeds.

They are the ones that helped me increase my breast size.

They are also powerful when it comes to regulating our hormones, increasing our breast size and other feminine features.

For example, after using maca roots and fenugreek seeds, you will end up with a bigger buttocks and a much more beautiful figure.

Your hips will become very attractive!

It happened to me, and my husband was thrilled with the results.

And I’m sure your man is going to like you much more because deep down, men want massive boobs, thick thighs, and a beautiful and round butt.

Benefits Of Breast Massage With Coconut Oil

Homemade breast enlargment coconut cream

Making a breast enlargement coconut cream is probably the most powerful way to use this fantastic fatty acid.
Mine was a little dark in this photo because I used too much maca powder.
I tend to experiment a lot with different ingredients, but when making a breast cream, I always use coconut oil.

It’s straightforward; I want you to take five tablespoons of coconut oil.

Then, using a double boiler, melt them over low heat.

Add one tablespoon of ground fenugreek seeds and one tablespoon of ground maca roots; make sure you stir continuously for five minutes, then let everything cool down.

Next, I want you to reheat this coconut oil mixture and get rid of as much ground fenugreek seeds and maca roots as possible, try to use a filter.

How To Massage Your Breast With Coconut Oil

Now, every night, before going to bed, apply one tablespoon of this amazing breast enlarging coconut oil, make sure you massage very thoroughly, then go to bed.

After just three weeks of use, you will notice considerable improvements in your breast size.

Coconut Oil and Vitamin E for Breast Enlargement

Another extremely beneficial technique is to combine coconut oil and vitamin E to increase your breast size.

It will work amazingly well, especially if you are trying to firm up or add volume and density to your breasts.

And to use it, you don’t have to spend a lot of money, most of the time, you can use any vitamin E oil you can find, it’s relatively cheap and extremely safe to use since it doesn’t spoil quickly.

So, here is what I want you to do:

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

Before going to sleep at night, add one drop of vitamin E oil to your tablespoon of breast’s enlarging coconut oil that you have already made, mix everything very well and apply.

Try to get rid of as much fat as possible when you are done using a dry paper towel.

Olive Oil and Coconut Oil for Breast Enlargement

I have already mentioned in a previous section in this article that both olive oil and coconut oil are probably one of the safest and most potent fatty acids you can use on your chest.

Most importantly, they are straightforward to use since they don’t cause a terrible smell, and they don’t spoil quickly.

Now, I would like to show you how you can use both these fatty acids to increase your breast size, and the good news is that they work.

However, I have to be honest with you:

On their own, coconut oil and olive oil are not that powerful when it comes to increasing your breast size, simply because they don’t contain enough phytoestrogens.

So, here is what I want you to do to make the most potent olive oil and coconut oil for breast enlargement:

You take two tablespoons of ground fenugreek seeds, put them in a glass jar, to which you are going to add five tablespoons of olive oil and five tablespoons of coconut oil.

Make sure you heat everything in the microwave for one minute on high, then, mix very well.

You have to wait about three days before starting to use this coconut oil recipe.

And you can also combine all the knowledge you have gathered from this post and make a fantastic recipe; you need to add half a teaspoon of vitamin E oil to this mixture.

After three days in the fridge, make sure you strain the fenugreek powder and before going to bed, apply one tablespoon to your chest, make sure you massage very gently.

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