In this post, I’m going to show you how to use grapeseed oil for breast enlargement very efficiently and safely as well.

Grape Seed Oil Benefits for Breast Enlargement

Grape Seed OilFirst of all, I want to be honest with you:

Grapeseed oil is not the best fatty substance you can use to increase your breast size!

There, I said it, nothing to hide from you!

This is the truth; I don’t want to lie to you and deserve you!

But please, don’t lose faith in it so soon, later in this post, I’ll show you exactly how to use it to get amazing breast growth and firmness.

But for now, I need to be honest with you and tell you the truth about this powerful oil.

You must understand that grapeseed oil does not contain large amounts of phytoestrogens!

If you don’t know what phytoestrogens are, then let me tell you that they are plant hormones that resemble female estrogen.

They are going to act the same way on your tissues, such as your breasts.

This is very important because they are going to cause growth and also an increase in firmness and volume very rapidly.

Grapeseed Oil for Bigger Breast – Side Effects

You see, the problem with grapeseed oil is that it does not contain large amounts of phytoestrogens.

Other than that, let me tell you that it’s one of the most powerful essential oils you can use on your breasts and also on your skin because of one very important thing:

It contains large amounts of vitamin E, antioxidants, and, most importantly, it has a fantastic effect on our skin.

You see, whenever you apply grapeseed oil on your skin, you are going to notice extra smoothness, richness, and powerful health later on.

This is exactly what I want you to understand.

You are dealing with essential oil.

It’s very powerful, very nutritious, and, most importantly, extremely rich when it comes to increasing your skin’s health and vitality.

Does Grapeseed Oil Help Breast Growth?

Does this mean that you must avoid grapeseed oil?

In other words, no need to use it because it doesn’t work?

Absolutely not!

In fact, throughout my experience with breast growth, I have to say that grapeseed oil was one of the most powerful oils I have ever used.

It’s because of one very simple factor:

It doesn’t cause a rash, negative reactions, or allergies to your skin and your breast.

You see, other herbs and other essential oils are going to cause my breasts to become very sensitive, extremely itchy, and even worse, inflamed!

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

Sometimes my nipples, on many occasions, will become sore, and a yellowish discharge may come out of them!

Sorry for this description!

Trust me, it’s not very beautiful, and it’s going to make you suffer for a very long time!

The most important thing you need to understand right now is that grapeseed oil is completely safe to use on your skin and especially on your breasts.

And this is the reason why I’m writing this post today.

I believe that it’s one of the most powerful essential oils you can use to increase your breast size.

Although it doesn’t contain large amounts of phytoestrogens, it still is one of the best essential oils you can use because it’s very safe on your skin.

In fact, so safe that I have begun to recommend my readers to use grapeseed oil instead of olive oil.

It’s because, nowadays, most of the olive oil products are going to contain large amounts of chemicals and preservatives!

This is not the best thing to apply to your breasts.

My advice is very simple; if you want to use grapeseed oil to increase your breast size, you need to add to it lots of phytoestrogens!

It’s this simple!

I don’t want to lie to you and tell you that grapeseed oil is going to work at increasing your breast size!

It’s because no matter how much you are going to apply, you are going just to be wasting your time and a valuable ingredient.

On the other hand, if I told you that grapeseed oil is useless and you should stay away from using it.

Then, I will be preventing you from using a very powerful essential oil!

This has worked for me very well and has protected my skin and my boobs for a very long time.

So, how can you add phytoestrogens to grapeseed oil?

Well, it depends on what you want to achieve!

Well, I know that you want larger boobs!

That’s obvious!

But to tell you the truth, most women are completely unaware of what they truly want.

For example, some women want larger and more sized boobs.

Still, in reality, when you start asking them, they just want perkiness and lots of elasticity!

However, some women are going to tell you that they have nothing to do with size; they just want beautiful boobs!

When, in fact, they are looking for a major change in volume and a complete increase in their cup sizes.

This is the reason why I’m asking you right now:

What are you interested in?

What do you want to achieve?

If you want larger boobs, then you need to add lots of phytoestrogens to grapeseed oil.

However, if you are only interested in increasing your volume, firmness, and perkiness, then, add only half of the amounts I’m going to recommend later on in this post!

This is very important for you because if your breasts are already large, and you add lots of phytoestrogens to grapeseed oil.

It’s going to make your boobs larger!

Of course, I’m sure that you do not want to have enormous boobs!

However, if you want something in the middle, then try to use the recipe I’m going to recommend.

I know, it’s very confusing!

But in reality, it’s completely safe, and no matter the outcome you want, you are going to have amazing results.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

I say this because a lot of women simply don’t understand what they truly want to achieve.

For example, on many occasions, a lot of women are going to tell me that they want larger breasts, when in fact; they just want more firmness and perkiness.

This is the reason why I’m going to reveal to you my secret:

To get larger and perkier boobs, you need to also take good care of your diet.

You see, grapeseed oil with phytoestrogens is going to increase your breast size only if you eat a rich diet.

In other words:

If your diet is not well-balanced and if you don’t have enough nutrients daily, especially essential fats and healthy proteins with lots of carbohydrates.

Then, you are going to have a tough time increasing your breast size!

Because deep down, your breasts need to be fed, they need lots of essential nutrients to increase in size.

Just remember this:

Your boobs are going to increase in size because they will get engorged with water and also store lots of fats.

This is the most important thing you need to understand right now:

If your breast is not fed correctly, then it’s not going to increase in size.

So, how to achieve this?

Well, the most important thing to do daily is to have a large breakfast.

How to Use Grapeseed Oil for Breast Enlargement

So, every day, I want to have at least two tablespoons of peanut butter in your breakfast.

I know that a lot of women are going to hate this food, but trust me; I have tried different ingredients and different food!

And by far, peanut butter is the best when it comes to increasing my breast size.

I still remember how I used to look very skinny in the past!

However, when I started consuming peanut butter regularly, I simply increased in weight very rapidly.

My boobs increased in size so rapidly that women at work thought I had augmentation surgery.

This is exactly what I want you to achieve, as well.

I want you to have rapid breast growth, and more importantly, I want you to have a permanent one.

This is the reason why you have to eat a lot of essential fats, and most importantly, you have to eat lots of peanut butter.

Especially during breakfast.

Grapeseed Oil Dosage for Breast Enlargement

So, here is what I want you to do to make the best grapeseed oil for breast enlargement:

Every week, I want you to take simply a quarter of a cup of grapeseed oil.

To which you are going to add three tablespoons of ground fenugreek seeds, the content of five saw palmetto capsules and one teaspoon of soy flour.

Mix everything very well and keep in your fridge for at least two days, then filter as many particles as possible.

This way, you are going to make a very powerful grapeseed oil for breast enlargement that’s going to last you up to two weeks.

How to Massage with Grapeseed Oil for Breast Enlargement

In this section, I will tell you exactly the massage routine I perform to increase my breast size.

I have told you throughout this post that using grapeseed oil is a fantastic idea if you want to increase your breast size.

Especially that it’s very friendly on our skin.

Well, now, I’m going to show you how you can use it very efficiently to achieve fantastic growth.

While also reducing discomfort and pain on your breast.

You see, if you do not massage your breast properly with my oil mixture, you are not going to achieve fantastic growth!

A lot of women simply think that using grapeseed oil is a matter of applying some few teaspoons on their chest and rubbing everything for one or two minutes!

Well, yes and no!

The truth is something completely different.

Massaging your breast requires a lot of precautions, and most importantly, it requires know-how.

So, the first step I want you to take is the following:

Always be very gentle!

Whenever you want to massage your breast with grapeseed oil, always remember this: be as gentle as possible.

The problem with most women is that they think that they need to penetrate the essential oils deep down beneath their skin and their breast!

It’s not the truth if you do this; two things are going to happen:

The first one is you are going to drain your breast of liquids and, most importantly, of fats!

Just remember this, if you want to lose fat on an area of your body, you massage it extensively and every single day!

Well, this is the same thing that’s going to happen once you start massaging your breast with grapeseed oil on a daily bases while using lots of pressure!

You are going to lose a lot of fat, which means that your breasts are going to lose perkiness and volume very rapidly.

Of course, we don’t want this happening!

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

The next thing that’s going to happen is pain!

You see, when you apply too much pressure, our breast contains many small blood vessels and nerve endings.

Well, these are going to get damaged, and you will end up with a lot of pain later on during the day.

Of course, we need to stay away from this as much as possible.

So, always be very gentle whenever you are massaging your breast.

Now, the second step is to:

Apply a minimum of one teaspoon of grapeseed oil mixture on each of your breasts.

This is very important to respect because too much can be damaging and can lead to sensitivity on your nipples.

Now, start with your right breast, hold it gently, and begin simply caressing it for a minimum of three minutes.

Repeat the same step on your left one, and you are done.

This is by far the most important step you need to consider trying to use grapeseed oil for breast growth.


Ready to add a minimum of 2 cups to your breast size naturally?

Get your copy of The Bigger Breast Formula now.

Want to read more about growing your breasts naturally?

Check out these articles:

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