I will show you how to use green tea for breast growth.

This might seem like an easy question, after all, you just apply some on your chest and Voila!


It’s not that simple!

However, there is a powerful and simple recipe to make the best green tea for breast growth, and this is exactly what I will show you in this post.

Green Tea For Breast Enlargement

Most people who think they know how to use green tea for breast enlargement are wrong!

As mentioned before, it may seem easy to use, but it’s not.

There is more to it than brewing some in a cup of hot water and getting larger breast!

Does Green Tea Increase Breast Size?

Green Tea

Drinking green tea every day should become your new healthy routine as it’s very rich in antioxidants and powerful anti-inflammatory compounds. Whether your want to increase your breast size or firmness, you need to drink at least one cup everyday, preferable brewed in lukewarm water for over fifteen minutes and with no added sugar or sweeteners.

The answer is a straight no!

I didn’t want to disappoint you, but it’s the reality.

Green tea does not work when it comes to increasing your breasts size.

However, it will do one amazing thing to your breasts: increase their firmness!

When most women are talking about using green tea for breast growth, they are misunderstanding its effects!

They think that because green tea is going to increase breast’s firmness, it certainly has something to do with improving their size, which is not the case.

Does Green Tea Make Your Breasts Smaller?

No, it does not!

This may seem the case after using green tea extensively, but again, it’s only going to firm your breast and give you the appearance that it shrunk in size.

When in reality, the skin around it became firmer and more elastic, which is amazing if you ask me.

Yes, green tea is going to make your breast look firmer, much tighter and perkier, however, when it comes to real breast growth, I’m sorry to say this, but green tea does not increase your size.

Why should you use green tea for your breasts then?

Well, because increasing your breasts size alone is not going to make them look amazing, trust me, I have been there, and I know what I’m talking about.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

When I was young, about thirteen years old, I expected to start growing breasts; long story short, my period was a late and my breasts never increased in size; I looked like a teenage boy.

When I was twenty-five , I started looking for solutions to fix my breast size and let me tell you that I couldn’t find a simple one!

Most products I tried were simply a waste of time and money, and I struggled to look like a true woman; however, I was left with despair and disappointment all the time.

Green Tea and Breast Density

That’s to tell you that I have been there, I tried to increase my breasts size, and it didn’t work at first!

I tried many products and techniques including green tea, and they all failed until I was able to find what works!

Trust me; when you apply the same herbs and creams I have in the past, you will have disappointment because of one thing:

Once your breasts increase in size, they are not going to be as firm as they were before, even worse, because of the added weight, they will hang loose and become saggy!

Of course, we don’t want this!

That’s the reason why I have always advised women to do different firmness exercises and remedies.

And one of the most powerful ones is to use coffee and green tea.

Benefits of Green Tea for Breast Enlargement

In this post, I’m only going to tell you about the right way to use green tea for increasing your breasts firmness rapidly; of course, we are done discussing using green tea for breast growth since it’s not very efficient.

Of course, if you use it on its own for a very long time, it can have some positive effects on your breasts size.

But this can be too tiny even to notice, so, to experience real breast growth, you need to use different ingredients and herbs other than green tea because it’s not very efficient from my point of view.

If you are interested in learning about the best herbs you can use to increase your breasts size rapidly, I highly recommend that you check my previous posts.

They are amazing and are going to give you powerful techniques and insights into how to use cheap ingredients to increase your breasts size rapidly and without side effects.

You have to use green tea if you are planning on improving your breasts volume because it’s one of the best ingredients you can ever use to keep your boobs from looking saggy and loose!

Otherwise, you will be wasting your time because breast growth without firmness means unattractive boobs.

So, how can you use green tea to increase your breast firmness?

Well, the answer is quite complicated; however, I’m going to do my best to explain it to you and to make sure that you only use the right steps to increase breast’s firmness using this powerful herbal preparation.

Besides the usual advice of drinking green tea daily, which I really think is essential since it contains potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, I believe that it can be used directly onto our breasts.

Green Tea for Breast Growth – Side Effects

So, first, let me tell you about the side effects you are going to experience once you start using green tea on your breasts to increase firmness:

Discolored Skin

Of course, this only is going to happen when you start using too much green tea on your chest!

I don’t want this happening to you.

This is the reason why you need to respect the dosage I’m going to give you; otherwise, your breasts may have a slightly rusty color, it’s not something to worry about, and it will go away with time since this is only a superficial issue.

Itchy Skin

Because green tea contains many potent anti-inflammatory compounds, these are going to saturate your skin and cause you to have a reaction which can be very unpleasant sometimes!

Of course, as mentioned before, if you respect the dosage, you have nothing to be afraid of, I have been there, and it all works very well.

Bad Smell

Because we are going to use large amounts of green tea on our breasts, and even more importantly, because we are going to use it daily, every night before going to bed, you will notice a different smell in your body.

Yes, you will start smelling like a green teabag!

Well, you have nothing to worry about, it’s just the isoflavones found in green tea seeping into your body and coming out with your sweat.

How to Use Green Tea for Breast Firmness and Growth

And now, let me tell you about the best way to use green tea for increasing your breast firmness:

First , you will need to use matcha green tea!

Matcha Green Tea

Applying any other form of green tea on your chest besides matcha can be very challenging!
One more thing, because matcha is finely ground, a lot of green tea’s nutrients will seep into your skin and help it become tight and firm very rapidly.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

And by matcha, I mean finely ground green tea, which is the only kind I want you to use when it comes to increasing your breast’s firmness and growth.

If you are planning on applying green tea leaves, bulky ones, on your breasts, let me tell you that they are not very efficient!

They are not going to have significant effects on your boobs since they are not going to release all their isoflavones.

The second ingredient you will need is soy milk.

I know that this recipe is going to sound very strange; however, soy milk contains potent phytoestrogens that are going to help increase your breast size!

And since we are going to use a liquid to apply green tea directly onto our breasts, why not use soy milk!

It’s cheap, and very powerful when it comes to increasing our breast size and firmness.

And more importantly, it has excellent effects on your skin, since it improves elasticity and vitality as well.

The third ingredient is ground fennel seeds.

Fennel seeds are also powerful when it comes to increasing your breast size and volume.

And I want you to use them every time you are going to use green tea on your breasts since they are going to contain potent phytoestrogens which are going to help increase your breasts size very rapidly.

These hormones, or should I say plant hormones, are truly amazing, they are going to activate your breast cells and help them get engorged with liquids and fats which is going to increase their size.

The fourth ingredient is lavender oil.

Lavender oil is one of those amazing essential oils that will both increase your breast size, since it has powerful estrogenic effects, and also make your skin firm and tight.

This will result in a much larger size and volume, plus your breasts will stay firm for a very long time.

Green Tea for Male Breast Growth

As you will find in this post, green tea, if used correctly, can increase your breast size, but can it achieve this in men as well?

Many guys want to increase their breast size and firmness, and green tea can do this if used the way I’m going to show you later in this post.

For now, remember that it works and it can increase male breast size and firmness.

The same technique which works with women will also work with men, and guys only need to double the amounts of green tea when making my breast growth recipe.

Green Tea Extracts for Breast Growth

I have read on many articles that green tea extracts are great for increasing our breast size.

The truth is that in high doses, they can increase your size and firmness, but this is very little when compared to other herbs I talk about in this website!

In other words, green tea extracts aren’t the best pills to increase your breast size, I have tried them in the past, and they don’t work that well.

Which brings me to an essential subject I want to talk about without further delay:

Your Diet!

From my experience, most women who are suffering from small breasts have one massive problem:

They do not feed their breasts correctly!

This idea may seem quite funny and somehow very strange, but it’s the truth, if you want to increase your breasts size, you need to feed your breasts correctly; otherwise, they are going to stay small and flat no matter what you do.

I’m sure that by now, you understand that I’m not trying to get you temporary results.

I want long-term breast growth for you.

Which is the reason why I have recommended to use soy milk instead of water or rose water as most women are going to use with green tea.

This is why I want you to focus on your diet, trust me when I tell you that the best way for you to increase your breasts size is to feed your breasts first.

What I want you to understand here is that your breasts are small because you have hormonal issues.

This is undoubtedly the case for most women; however, this also means that your breasts are not getting enough nutrients.

This can be very obvious if you are skinny!

It means one thing, you are not getting enough nutrients and calories daily, which can hinder any breast growth you have and which can also deprive you of much attractiveness and beauty.

Us women need to be attractive and good-looking, and the best way to do so is to have the appropriate weight ratio.

And to do this, you need to feed yourself the right nutrients.

So, I’m not going to go into the subject in lots of details; I’m only going to tell you what I do daily to keep myself correctly fed.

When I wake up, I drink one liter of water; this is extremely important to hydrate my body after long hours of sleep, then, I have two teaspoons of ground fenugreek seeds.

These seeds are fantastic when it comes to increasing my breasts size, and they are also the ones I have recommended to many women to achieve this very rapidly.

When I finish with this, I do my breast stretching exercises, and then I do some breast firmness training.

Next, I have my breakfast which consists of lots of bread, whole wheat bread because I enjoy its taste, and it also has lots of fiber which keeps my digestion optimum, then, I have lots of jam, peanut butter and soy milk.

For lunch, I usually have lean chicken with lots of potatoes; I never have French fries because they contain too much fat, I only have oven fries.

I sometimes have beans with rice for lunch.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

For snack, I have one cup of fennel tea with a minimum of one handful of walnuts or almonds, slightly roasted and salted.

And for dinner, I enjoy brown rice with vegetables or some tofu.

Of course, I do not eat the same diet daily; I love variety.

I want you to have a look into an average day in my life.

And now, let me tell you about the right way to use green tea for breast growth and firmness:

How to Apply Green Tea for Breast Enlargement

Every night, before you go to bed, take three tablespoons of warm soy milk to which you are going to add one teaspoon of matcha tea, half a teaspoon of lavender oil and one teaspoon of ground fennel seeds.

Mix everything very well and wait for five minutes until the paste thickens a little.

Then, apply onto your breasts very gently, leave for a minimum of fifteen minutes and then, using a dry paper cloth, get rid of as much as you can.

I find this technique very powerful to use before taking showers since I can leave it much longer on my breasts.

It’s also powerful since your skin is going to feel much more elastic and firm afterwards.

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