In this post, I’m going to show you how to use lavender oil for breast enlargement.

It took me years to figure the right technique out and I have to tell you, if you don’t know how to use this powerful essential oil, you better stay away from it for good!

I don’t want to scar you, but it can be very intimidating.

This is why you need to follow this guide; it will save you a lot of hassles.

Lavender Oil and Breast Growth

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

When it comes to increasing your breast size, the worst thing you can do is take one ingredient and focus all your efforts on it!

This is the main idea of this website!

It’s the fact that there are so many other powerful ingredients you can use to increase your size and firmness besides lavender oil!

I know that this is a terrible way to start a post, but this is absolutely the truth.

I don’t want to fool you!

Does Lavender Enhance Breast Growth?

If you want to have an amazing breast size, you need to focus on many other ingredients besides lavender oil.

This is exactly what I’m going to share with you in this post:

The right way to use lavender essential oil to increase your breast size and cause permanent enlargement.

The most important thing you have to understand is that lavender oil is not to be played with!

I have been there. I have used it for a very long time; it has caused me a terrible rush and other issues on my skin.

When I was just thirteen years old, I noticed that my breast stopped growing!

They didn’t grow at all, and they were extremely small!

No matter what I did, they stayed very small, and I had no idea why this was happening.

So, I began to think about this situation!

More importantly, I began to look for different solutions and different remedies to help my breast size increase.

Back then, my mother was extremely worried as well!

She wanted to find a solution as well because deep down, she knew that I had her genes!

Well, my mother, when she was young, too, had very small breasts, and she hated her body!

She was devastated when the doctor told her that I have a hormone problem!

Yes, my mother took me to different doctors and even to plastic surgeons later on when I was eighteen years old to find a solution to my small breasts!

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

Well, most doctors confirmed it:

I had small breasts because my hormones were weak acting!

They weren’t stimulating normal growth!

Needless to tell you, my mother was devastated!

But I noticed one strange thing: my mother has large breasts!

This made me think about the situation, and I tried to call her on her bluff and tell her that she is not in my situation!

Yet, she kept trying to change the conversation but later told me that when she was young, she has small breasts as well.

But she didn’t want to tell me what she did to increase them!

She was too afraid something bad might happen to me!

Later on in my life, I learn from my grandmother that my mother had very tiny breasts in the past.

And it was thanks to her that she increased them to her actual size.

My grandmother shared with her a “secret” traditional Persian recipe.

It contains lots of herbs and lots of different ingredients and essential oils that were amazing at increasing breast size.

Well, after talking to my grandmother for a very long time about this, she finally decided to give me her recipe.

And it had absolutely nothing to do with the ingredients I was using back then.

It uses different other ingredients that are completely strange to me.

Lavender Oil Benefits for Breast Growth

So, here is the thing I want you to understand in this section:

If you want to increase your breast size, you need to use different ingredients apart from the ones you already know about.

You need to explore different areas of traditional medicine, and most importantly, you need to be a little risk-taking.

My mother didn’t want me to try the traditional medicine solution.

She knew I’d hurt myself and might even expose myself to dangerous herbs or recipes.

And indeed, this happened to me!

Don’t worry, what I’ll share with you id very safe; I have used it for half a decade now.

Other women have used it as well, and they all have reported amazing results.

In this post, I’m going to share with you some strange ideas that may sound completely foreign to you.

But I want you to give them a try and, most importantly, remember that increasing your breast size does not happen overnight.

Yes, this is the most alarming thing I keep hearing from women who want to increase their breast size.

They think that to do so, they only have to find one simple ingredient which they need to take for two or three days at most, and their breasts are going to increase very rapidly!

Well, even if you take different creams and lotions that are advertised to be very powerful at increasing your breast size.

You are going to find a small notice in them saying that they need at least two weeks to show results!

This is the truth, if you want to increase your breast size, you need a lot of effort, and most importantly, you will need time.

Unfortunately, most women are locking the willpower to persevere and continue.

So, I’m telling you right now:

If you want to increase your breast size, you need to arm yourself with strong will power and a strong desire to have a beautiful body and, most importantly, to have large breasts.

This is the truth; it’s going to require at least one month to start noticing positive results.

And more importantly, it’s going to require a lot of effort from your part and a lot of dedication.

Especially before going to bed, I’m going to come to this point later on in this post.

But for now, just remember that increasing your breast size takes time and effort.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

So, why am I telling you all this information!?

Simply because I have been there, I know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to increasing our breast size.

And most importantly, if you are only focusing on one single ingredient.

Lavender Oil for Bigger Breast – Side Effects

Lavender Flowers

Lavender Flowers

In this case, lavender essential oil.

You are mistaken!

Although lavender oil works amazingly well at increasing our breast size, it does so only temporarily!

What I’m saying here is very important for you to understand.

When you start applying lavender oil daily to your breasts, you are going to notice an increase in size.

Well, let me tell you this:

The moment you stop, your breasts are going to reduce tremendously in size, and you are not going to feel very happy about it.

Yes, you need to understand this:

Lavender oil is only a temporary solution when it comes to increasing your breast size!

I know that this idea is going to sound horrible to most of you, but this is absolutely the truth.

I have tried it on many occasions, and in fact, I kept using it for a very long time, and I know from fact that it only is going to act temporarily on our breast size.

In other words, the moment you stop applying it, your breasts are going to revert to their original size.

How to Use Lavender Oil for Breast Enlargement 

So, does this mean that you should avoid using lavender oil when it comes to increasing your breast size?

Absolutely not!

For example, if you want to go out, and you need a boost in your breast size.

You simply take two or three drops and apply them directly onto your breasts!

It’s going to give you a nice boost in size and firmness as well!

But for some women, this may be risky!

What I want you to understand is that lavender oil can be very dangerous on your skin.

It can cause rush and different skin issues ranging from sensitivity to even pimples and burns.

After all, you are dealing with essential oil, which is very taxing on our skin.

So, here is what you need to do if you want to use lavender oil for increasing your breast size:

Every night, before going to bed, I want you to apply diluted lavender oil to your breasts.

That’s it, no more and no less.

Lavender Oil Dosage for Breast Enlargement

So, how to make this powerful diluted lavender oil for breast growth?

Well, you take one teaspoon of lavender oil to which you are going to add one tablespoon of castor oil.

Make sure you mix these essential fats for at least two minutes.

Because castor oil is very thick and will not mix very well with lavender oil.

Next, every night, before going to bed, I simply want you to take one teaspoon of this powerful oil mixture and apply it onto your breasts.

Next, massage very gently.

I like and enjoy using this oil because it’s so rich and it’s also so thick.

It gives an amazing sensation, plus it’s very nourishing for my skin. It will also stimulate breast growth since it has castor oil.

It penetrates very deep, which is amazing if you ask me.

And it’s also going to keep lavender oil deep within your skin for a very long time, which is going to increase breast size.

It’s also going to make your breasts protected, firm, and perky for a very long time.

Lavender Oil for Male Breast Enlargement

And this is where lavender oil is so powerful!

You see, I don’t want to talk about something I don’t know, and when it comes to male breast growth, let me tell you that I am an expert!

Indeed, I have helped over 216 men increase their breast size through my book, which is a lot if you ask me!

The truth is that a lot of guys want to increase their breast size, and to do so, they need essential oils.

These are going to influence the hormone system in men.

And daily exposure to lavender oil and tea tree oil has been documented to be very powerful when it comes to Gynecomastia.

Lavender Oil Dosage for Male Breast Enlargement

Here is how you can use lavender oil with tea tree oil to increase your breast size as a man.

The first thing you need to understand is that you have to apply this oil mixture every single day.

This is very important if you want consistent results.

In the past, I used to apply different products every single day to my breast.

And let me tell you that this is not a very good strategy; you end up losing a lot of opportunities and wasting a lot of time!

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

What I want you to do is to focus on one solution and keep repeating the same process until you get results.

So, here is what you need to do:

Every Sunday, take two tablespoons of lavender oil and mix them with two tablespoons of tea tree oil.

Both these essential oils have been tested with men, and they work amazingly well.

Next, I want you to dilute them in five tablespoons of olive oil.

The thing you need to understand here is:

Applying essential oils directly onto your chest can be very dangerous, especially if you have large skin pores such as myself.

Make sure you mix everything very well.

Now, every night, before going to bed, I simply want you to apply one and a half tablespoon on your chest.

Make sure you massage very gently for a minimum of five minutes, then clean everything with a dry paper towel.

This is by far, one of the most powerful ways a guy can increase his breast size without side effects and without causing damages to his health.

This is a proven method, and it has helped so many guys, I want you to try it.


Ready to add a minimum of 2 cups to your breast size naturally?

Get your copy of The Bigger Breast Formula now.

Want to read more about growing your breasts naturally?

Check out these articles:

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