In this post, I’m going to show you exactly how you can use mustard oil for breast growth.

The first thing I want to talk about is the fact that mustard oil, with the other ingredients I’m going to share with you in this post, is one of the most powerful fatty acids you can use to increase your breast size.

Does Mustard Oil Help Breast Growth?

Mustard Oil and SeedsLet’s get this idea straight:

The more your mustard oil is fragrant and spicy; the more your breasts are going to increase in size!

I told you, this is going to sound very weird, but it’s the truth.

For example, if you take some vegetable oil like canola!

It doesn’t smell particularly strong, and it’s not very spicy if you ask me.

But if you add to it other spices such as ginger or cloves for example, and infuse everything, then, it’s going to become very efficient at increasing your breast size.

This is the idea I want to talk about now: these spices are loaded with phytoestrogens; in other words, chemicals that are produced by plants, yet they act as female hormones, just like estrogens.

And although this may seem strange, it’s the truth.

Some plants are going to produce molecules that resemble female hormones, such as estrogen.

These are going to stimulate breast growth while also protecting your breast tissue against dangerous diseases and issues in the long run.

This is very important for you to understand:

The more phytoestrogens in a plant, the better it’s going to be for increasing your breast size and firmness.

So, why is mustard oil so powerful at increasing breast size and causing breast enlargement?

Well, it’s because it’s loaded with phytoestrogens.

But more importantly, if you only use mustard oil alone on your breasts, you are not going to get amazing results!

I have already mentioned this at the beginning of this post.

And in this section; I’m going to dive deeper into this subject.

It’s because mustard oil is so powerful and so spicy that it’s going to cause rash and sensitivity around your nipples and on your breasts as well!

Indeed, many scientific studies I have read mention the fact that mustard oil can be toxic to human cells if ingested in large amounts.

Well, the same toxins are also responsible for rash and sensitivity on your breasts, especially around your nipples since these organs are extremely sensitive and fragile.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

And of course, you should stay away from this as much as possible.

So, how can use mustard oil to increase your breast size?

You will need to add other powerful oils and phytoestrogen-rich herbs to make it highly efficient at increasing your breast size.

In the past, I used to have very tiny breasts.

I dreamt of the day when I could go to the beach in a flashy bikini with my cleavage showing.

I dreamt of large breast and eyes following me wherever I go.

However, after puberty, I realized that my body was very weak; I didn’t gain a lot of weight.

Even worse, I felt like a boy because I had no chest!

Yes, my boobs were nonexistent, to say the least.

So, I began looking for solutions and most importantly, I began to try different herbs and remedies to increase my breast size.

But during my first year of trial and error, this was very shy.

I didn’t know what to do, so, I thought to myself that maybe I was a lost cause and I needed surgery!

So, I checked with a plastic surgeon who promised to do an augmentation surgery for five thousand dollars plus other expenses!

I didn’t have the money, so I started collecting credit card debts in the hope of one day being able to pay for the surgery I so much needed and wanted.

During that time, my sister went through an augmentation surgery as well!

Yes, small breasts run in my family!

And she didn’t like the outcome at all.

Her arms were in pain all the time, she had troubles moving them, and even worse, there were two large scars below her breast which were visible.

Mustard Oil for Bigger Breast – Side Effects

If you have a look, you could easily tell she had fake boobs!

Needless to tell you, this made me extremely frightened to go under the knife, plus the idea of somebody cutting through my flesh worried me to death.

So, I lost hope and started accepting life with tiny boobs.

All was not so great because deep down, I felt that I lacked many things and that I wasn’t woman enough.

After getting married, I began worrying about my breast again because of my husband, who was my boyfriend previously.

Believe me, when I tell you, he never saw me naked.

Needless to tell you, it was a horrible situation.

Soon, I realized that he was watching big breasted women on porn sites, and I needed to do something unless I want my marriage to end!

This is my story with increasing my breast size; I needed it.

I wanted larger breasts, but suddenly, after my marriage, this became a true quest for me.

So, I began trying different solutions and remedies to increase my breast size.

Unfortunately, at first, nothing seemed to work, and I felt horrible, I thought I was a lost cause.

But then, I kept reading about different plants which contain hormone-like substances such as mustard oil.

These substances are called phytoestrogens, and they were key to my success.

And yes, I have to tell you that thanks to these plants, my breasts increased in size very rapidly.

Of course, I didn’t arrive at this on my own; it was my grandmother who pointed me to these plants, to look for them and use them.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

So now, let me tell you about the right way to use mustard oil to increase your breast size:

The first important step you need to understand right now is that mustard oil is not the most powerful ingredient to use if you want to increase your breast size!

Mustard Oil Benefit for Breast Enlargement

I know that this idea is going to sound very strange and somehow useless!

Since you have been reading this entire article only to find out that this it’s not the best solution for increasing your breast size.

I want to be honest with you.

I don’t want to lie to you and tell you that mustard oil is the perfect ingredient to use if you want to increase your breast size.

Because it’s not!

However, if you use it with a combination of other ingredients, such as the ones I’m going to tell you about in this post, you are going to increase your breast size very rapidly as well.

Which is amazing if you ask me.

So, why is mustard oil is not the best solution for breast growth?

Simply because it can be very harsh on your skin and it can also cause lots of other damages such as pain and sensitivity around your nipples!

So, this is a bad thing if you ask me.

And since there are better compounds you can use, why deprive yourself!

Why cause yourself this pain and all these troubles!?

So, how can we use mustard or safety to increase your breast size?

Well, from my experience, the best way is to mix it with other ingredients:

So, you will need a minimum of one tablespoon of mustard oil to which you are going to add one tablespoon of olive oil and two drops of fenugreek oil.

Both olive and fenugreek oil are very powerful to increase your breast size.

However, fenugreek oil is the main ingredient I have used over and over to increase my breast size.

And I want you to pay very close attention to this powerful ingredient.

In fact, throughout this website, I keep mentioning it all the time because it works, and it has fantastic effects on our breasts.

And although most women don’t know about it and don’t want to use because it can have a pungent smell, I want you to try it, and I use it with master oil because it works.

Well, this oil mixture should be used before going to bed.

I simply want you to take one tablespoon of this powerful oil and simply massage your breasts with it every night before going to bed.

If you have some left on your breasts, use a paper towel to get rid of it.

Of course, you should also take good care of your diet because using mustard oil alone for breast enlargement is not very efficient.

You should give your breasts foods to eat, so to speak and nutrients that will stimulate their growth.

Otherwise, they are going to stay tiny and flat!

One of the best nutrients you can over consume is carbohydrates.

More importantly, I also want you to load on fats.

So, you should consume daily lots of olive oil and whole wheat bread, it works fantastically well at increasing your breast size, and it has tremendous benefits as well on your health.

How to Use Mustard Oil for Breast Enlargement

Indeed, taking good care of your diet is one of the most powerful ways you can use to increase your breast size.

I don’t want to lie to you and tell you that only using mustard oil is going to work at giving you amazing results because it doesn’t!

The truth is that you need to feed your breasts correctly; I have already mentioned this before.

But now, in the section, I’m going to get deeper into the subject.

You see, with breast growth, it’s a matter of applying the right oils, consuming the right phytoestrogens rich foods, and most importantly, having the right eating routine.

This is the reason why I want you to focus on the best foods to increase your breast size.

Trust me; I’ve failed at first because I simply didn’t feed myself correctly.

I was very weak and under-weight, and even worse, I was indulging myself too much in junk food.

Not the fattening ones like burgers and fries, I was eating candies all the time my mother and grandmother used to tell me that I lived on sugary treats and chocolate bars!

They are extremely dangerous for your overall figure because they prevent you from eating the right foods, which are fantastic at increasing your breast size.

So, here are the tweaks I want you to make on your daily eating routine:

For breakfast, I want you to shift from drinking cow’s milk to drinking soy milk.

Soy milk is also very rich in phytoestrogens, which are amazing at increasing our breast size as I have mentioned before.

Find out the shocking secrets I uncovered about natural breast growth that will double your breast size in mere weeks!

I also want you to have a minimum of three tablespoons of peanut butter.

This is non-negotiable.

Mustard Oil Dosage for Breast Enlargement

Yes, peanut butter is one of the most powerful foods you can consume daily that are going to increase your breast size while also giving you all the micronutrients needed by your body to function correctly.

For lunch, you need to switch from white bread or white rice to brown rice and whole wheat bread.

You should preferably eat a minimum of five slices of whole wheat bread and day; this is extremely important for a healthy digestive system.

And in the afternoon, I want you to drink one cup of fennel tea.

This is a fantastic drink which will help you grow your boots are very quickly since it’s loaded with phytoestrogens as well.

And of course, after dinner, you need to focus on massaging your breasts with the mustard oil I have mentioned in the previous section.

In my own opinion, this is the most powerful way to use mustard oil to increase your breast growth.

You must also feed yourself correctly while using healthy and phytoestrogen-rich oil mixture to massage your breasts at night.


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Get your copy of The Bigger Breast Formula now.

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Check out these articles:

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